Accessibility and Inclusion

We are committed to offer the best experience for everyone that joins our events. This means a growing effort towards accessibility and inclusion. Here are a list of the things we are considering for the 2023 edition. We are open about improving this year by year, so please send us your suggestions for making it better.

Event room facilities

Our event is held at the ground floor of the Grand Hotel Italia, a 5-star hotel. All the spaces where the event takes place are wheelchair accessible, including the restrooms and the lunchroom. Additionally there is direct access from the parking lot to the event area.

A variety of food and drink options are offered during the lunch break, as well as during the coffee breaks. The lunch area will have clearly marked dairy and gluten free options. Additionally, the coffee stand from the main lobby will offer dairy free milk as well as regular one.

Kids room

We know how important it is to support parents to, well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯, be parents, but also keep up with their work and passions. Therefore, we are preparing a kids room at the venue. This is meant in case you need to be close to them and your partner can join together with your baby/kid(s).

Mothers who are still breastfeeding, but want to join the talks, can count on having their partner or nanny very close by. Needless to say, the hotel’s toilets are equipped for babies who cannot wait to be better humans after nappy changes :)

To give you an idea about the facilities we are preparing, kids will be able to play with Lego Duplo, Magna Tiles sets, and coloring books.

So count on us for the infrastructure and openness, all you need is to convince your support system to join you.

Focus room

Another dedicated space we have at the first floor of the hotel building is the focus room. This will be open at all times to all the attendees and can be used during the talks or during the breaks in case you need a moment of silence, you need to join a meeting or you need to focus on something else for a while.

Please ask our volunteers to guide you to these rooms during the event.

During the event

Our collaborators are filming and taking photos throughout the event, both during the talks and during the breaks. If you do not wish to appear in any of the post-event footage, you will have the option to wear a lanyard of a different color. Please ask at the registration desk about this.

If you have trouble seeing or hearing from the back of the room, we can reserve seats for you in the front rows. Please let us know before the event if that is the case so we know how many seats to reserve. Ask at the registration desk for guidance towards the reserved seats.

In case you don’t make it to one of the front rows, there will be two extra screens in the middle of the seating area.

All attendees are required to respect our code of conduct. There will be a dedicated space during the entire event where you can report any abuse or violation of the CoC.

For speakers

Your slide decks will shown up on two large LED displays on each side of the main stage. You will also have a screen in front of you with your slides/notes and another screen with the timer.

Please test the visibility of your slides from the back of the room before you go up on stage. If your deck contains strong animations, loud sounds or flashing effects, please announce this to the audience at the beginning of the talk.

Additionally, since the lights in the room are dimmed during your talk, we recommend a darker background for the slides. Keep, in mind that the displays will amplify powerful colors, so avoid using them as background colors.

We kindly ask you to verbalize all the content from the slides to help visually-impaired or dyslexic people understand better.

Finally, we encourage the use of inclusive language throughout the talk. Please refrain from making inappropriate jokes. We also have strict policy against gender, racial, ethnic, sexual or religious discrimination.